About me
Kendrick Moore joined the CAS-CIAC staff as an accomplished leader in personal development with proven experience in culture development and climate change. As a former Division 1 basketball coach, he wears that badge, "Coach", with honor. He believes you already have what it takes inside of you, and he has what it takes to help you reach your potential. The implementation of his coaching strategies and motivation has empowered individuals and organizations to achieve beyond expectations. Kendrick is also the president of Moore Basketball Clinic/MoreMotivation where he has become a dynamic motivational speaker. In addition, he has spent decades constructing programs centered around developing leadership skills and building character, facilitating SEL, DEI, and other professional development training courses. For his commitment and outstanding work, he has received numerous community service awards. However, the impact of his work far exceeds the accolades that he has received, while his purpose of living generously never changes.
Kendrick is a graduate of Providence College where he earned his bachelor of science in marketing and his masters in business administration.