CAS Annual Conference 2025
Friday March 28, 2025 12:45pm - 2:00pm PDT
In schools and districts across Connecticut and throughout the country, the idea of a vision of a graduate (VoG), is becoming a new and important way to measure and celebrate student progress. Schools and districts with a VoG are focused on preparing graduates for a future that will require them to have not only content knowledge and understanding but also transferable skills and dispositions that will allow them to be flexible and adaptable in the rapidly changing world. The VoG encourages schools and districts to shift what is central to education as we know it and re-design systems to highlight the strengths and abilities of all learners. It can be a powerful force to dismantle inequities. Join NEASC staff to discuss the creation and implementation of a school or district VoG. You will come away with ideas and resources (including the newly released NEASC VoG Handbook) that will help you move this work forward in your school or district.

Alyson Geary

Director for Accreditation and School Improvement - NEASC, New England Association of Schools and Colleges
Alyson Geary worked in public schools as an educator for six years and as a principal for nine. Beginning her journey in Las Vegas, Alyson moved to Massachusetts where she worked as assistant principal and then principal for Hopkinton High School. She received her Master of Education... Read More →
avatar for Carl Johnson

Carl Johnson

Associate Director for Accreditation and School Improvement, New England Association of Schools and Colleges
Carl Johnson joined NEASC in 2023 after two decades serving as an educator and administrator in Connecticut schools. Carl began his career as a social studies teacher at Farmington High School before becoming student activities director in 2013. He then served as assistant principal... Read More →
Friday March 28, 2025 12:45pm - 2:00pm PDT

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