CAS Annual Conference 2025
Friday March 28, 2025 9:20am - 10:35am PDT
Participants will be able to look at data through a storytelling lens and formulate 3 key questions to identify what barriers they would need to remove to improve the data. For the purpose of this session we will focus on how one district created a culture of inclusion and belonging which led to improved student academic growth. The audience will learn how the district decided to take a different approach to looking at data to successfully identify the barriers that were keeping them from improving. This led to how they developed structures and put systems in place to implement them and saw how their targeted efforts delivered results almost immediately! 
avatar for Luz Rivera

Luz Rivera

MLL Coordinator, Norwich Public Schools
Luz was four years old when her parents moved to the US from Puerto Rico. As a multilingual learner, she experienced the challenges faced by the MLL population when access and inclusion are not prioritized in our mainstream classrooms. She became an educator by calling. She holds... Read More →
Friday March 28, 2025 9:20am - 10:35am PDT

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