CAS Annual Conference 2025
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Friday, March 28

8:30am PDT

Friday March 28, 2025 8:30am - 9:10am PDT
avatar for Kendrick Moore

Kendrick Moore

Assistant Director of Equity and Leadership, CAS-CIAC
Kendrick Moore joined the CAS-CIAC staff as an accomplished leader in personal development with proven experience in culture development and climate change. As a former Division 1 basketball coach, he wears that badge, "Coach", with honor. He believes you already have what it takes... Read More →
Friday March 28, 2025 8:30am - 9:10am PDT

9:20am PDT

Instructing for Equity: Empowering Educators to Elevate Classroom Environments and Experiences for All Learners
Friday March 28, 2025 9:20am - 10:35am PDT
This session equips school leaders with the tools to guide their teachers in creating equitable environments that foster independence and success for all learners. Participants will explore actionable methods to support educators in implementing culturally responsive teaching practices that empower students to take ownership of their learning. Through collaborative discussions, practical examples, and planning opportunities, school leaders will leave with a clear action plan to elevate equity and independence in their schools. By the end of the session, participants will be able to develop a professional learning plan for their staff that includes at least two strategies to promote equitable practices and build student independence in the classroom.
avatar for Dr. Stephanie Lockhart

Dr. Stephanie Lockhart

Principal, Avon High School
Stephanie Lockhart has served as principal of Avon High School since 2022. Previously, she was assistant principal at Windsor High School (2018–2022), where she co-chaired the district equity team and led PLCs. From 2008–2018, she taught Social Studies, inspiring a love of history... Read More →
Friday March 28, 2025 9:20am - 10:35am PDT

9:20am PDT

Integrating Arts Learning Programs in Your School LIMITED
Friday March 28, 2025 9:20am - 10:35am PDT
This session will explore how schools can successfully integrate arts-learning programs that enhance student engagement, social-emotional learning, and academic achievement. Drawing from Arts for Learning Connecticut’s 40+ years of experience, we will share best practices for embedding arts programming into a school’s curriculum, strategies for gaining buy-in from stakeholders, and ways to ensure sustainability. This session will focus on broad approaches to arts integration that can be adapted to various school models and needs.

Objectives & Outcomes:
Understand the educational and social-emotional benefits of arts learning programs.
Learn step-by-step methods to implement arts-based initiatives in schools.
Explore real-world examples of successful arts integrations.

Interactive Elements:
Case study discussions of different arts-integration models.
Hands-on activity where attendees will participate in a visual arts workshop.
Friday March 28, 2025 9:20am - 10:35am PDT

9:20am PDT

Making Meaning of Metrics to Move Mountains - Understanding and Operationalizing Insights and Lessons Learned from the State Accountability Index and Smarter Balanced Assessments FILLING
Friday March 28, 2025 9:20am - 10:35am PDT
Learn to access and analyze school accountability and assessment information to extrapolate meaningful information and utilize insights to accurately inform school improvement efforts.
When Canton Middle School received notice of having an area of focus on the state accountability index, they accepted the invitation to join the Commissioner's Network and embrace the work of school improvement.  Join school staff as they share their learning journey and insights into the accountability index and state assessments, and how they cracked "the code" of the metrics and used that information to drive growth through strategic practices.  Join them to learn the necessary change processes to support any school in learning to serve each and every student even better.

avatar for Jon Bishop

Jon Bishop

Assistant Superintendent, Canton Public Schools
Jon Bishop is the Assistant Superintendent in the Canton Public Schools. He has worked to spark innovation, create systems to support coherence, and used vision to compel growth. He has worked systemically with staff and administration to guide Canton in its strong growth across recent... Read More →
avatar for Jeffrey Moore

Jeffrey Moore

Principal, Canton Middle School
Jeffrey Moore is the Principal of Canton Middle School. Through his six years as principal, he has navigated the challenges of the pandemic, embraced the call to action for school improvement, and is leading to ensure growth for each and every student within his school.
Friday March 28, 2025 9:20am - 10:35am PDT

9:20am PDT

Religion in the Public Schools - What are the Rules Now? LIMITED
Friday March 28, 2025 9:20am - 10:35am PDT
The obligations of school administrators with regard to religion in public schools have long been a challenge.  In 2022, however, the United States Supreme Court complicated matters further in ruling that a football coach had the right to pray publicly on the football field immediately after games.  Kennedy v. Bremerton School District (2022).  In this session, we will discuss how this decision changed the rules and offer our best advice on how to handle such issues going forward.
avatar for Tom Mooney

Tom Mooney

Partner, Shipman & Goodwin, School Law Practice Group at Shipman & Goodwin
Thomas Mooney is Chair Emeritus of the School Law Practice Group at Shipman & Goodwin, and is the author of "Legal Mailbag" in the CAS Newsblast and of A Practical Guide to Connecticut School Law (10th Edition 2023). 
avatar for Dori Pagé Antonetti

Dori Pagé Antonetti

Counsel, Shipman & Goodwin LLP
Dori Pagé Antonetti is a member of the School Law Practice Group where she represents a wide range of educational institutions, including both public and independent k-12 schools in a variety of education and employment law matters.  In her day-to-day representation of clients... Read More →
Friday March 28, 2025 9:20am - 10:35am PDT

9:20am PDT

Shifting Minds and Changing Lives: EL/ML Data Through A Storytelling Lens LIMITED
Friday March 28, 2025 9:20am - 10:35am PDT
Participants will be able to look at data through a storytelling lens and formulate 3 key questions to identify what barriers they would need to remove to improve the data. For the purpose of this session we will focus on how one district created a culture of inclusion and belonging which led to improved student academic growth. The audience will learn how the district decided to take a different approach to looking at data to successfully identify the barriers that were keeping them from improving. This led to how they developed structures and put systems in place to implement them and saw how their targeted efforts delivered results almost immediately! 
avatar for Luz Rivera

Luz Rivera

MLL Coordinator, Norwich Public Schools
Luz was four years old when her parents moved to the US from Puerto Rico. As a multilingual learner, she experienced the challenges faced by the MLL population when access and inclusion are not prioritized in our mainstream classrooms. She became an educator by calling. She holds... Read More →
Friday March 28, 2025 9:20am - 10:35am PDT

10:45am PDT

Creating a Culture of Collaboration During These Times LIMITED
Friday March 28, 2025 10:45am - 12:00pm PDT
The goal of this session is to build shared knowledge around the importance of collaboration in your school.  Collaboration that focuses on the right work. During this session, we will review 3 key areas: maximizing time, ensuring the success of teams, and coaching teams. 
avatar for Bo Ryan

Bo Ryan

Principal, Ana Grace Academy of the Arts, CREC
Bo Ryan is a long-time principal at 2 schools; Woodside Intermediate School in Cromwell and currently at Ana Grace Academy of Arts Middle School in Bloomfield, CT. In addition, he is an presenter at the national level for both Solution Tree and Marzano Resources on the following topics... Read More →

Kimberly Monroe

Assistant Principal, Ana Grace Academy of the Arts
Kimberly Monroe is the assistant principal at CREC Ana Grace Academy of the Arts, bringing over two decades of experience in education, including roles as a seventh-grade mathematics teacher and instructional coach. A Hampton University graduate with a bachelor’s in accounting... Read More →
Friday March 28, 2025 10:45am - 12:00pm PDT

10:45am PDT

Cultivating a Culture of Care: How Leaders "Make or Break" School Culture FILLING
Friday March 28, 2025 10:45am - 12:00pm PDT
In this presentation, attendees will explore essential ingredients necessary to foster a safe, inclusive, and positive environment. We will explore leadership habits that promote vibrancy as well as leadership characteristics that are detrimental. The session will highlight the importance of relationships centered on trust, transparency, collaboration, and care. Anecdotal evidence and survey data will be shared as indicators of success. The presentation will be interactive with questions, role-plays, and simulations to elicit relevant dialogue and discussion.
avatar for Tim Salem

Tim Salem

Principal, Scotts Ridge Middle School, Ridgefield
Tim Salem is currently in his 15th year as Principal of Scotts Ridge Middle School. Prior to his current role, Tim served as an Assistant Principal and social studies teacher at Danbury High School. As a classroom teacher Tim taught classes centered on multiculturalism and human rights... Read More →
avatar for Janine Johnson

Janine Johnson

Library Media Specialist, Scotts Ridge Middle School
Janine Johnson is the library media specialist at Scotts Ridge Middle School in Ridgefield, Connecticut. In 2018 she was awarded the American Association of School Librarians Collaborative School Library Award and the Connecticut Association of School Librarians’ Carlton W.H. Erikson... Read More →
Friday March 28, 2025 10:45am - 12:00pm PDT

10:45am PDT

Exploring Hip-Hop in the Classroom LIMITED
Friday March 28, 2025 10:45am - 12:00pm PDT
This workshop will explore the five elements of hip-hop and ways to implement these in your school and classrooms to create a more positive and welcoming climate and culture. We will explore the history of hip-hop, as well as the current movement to improve a sense of belonging through approaching students with a recognition of their culture by creating a bridge with your own. Participants will walk away with ideas and tools to incorporate culturally relevant opportunities in their school culture and classroom activities. Concepts will be based on elements from James "Fresh Professor" Miles' presentation group, https://www.edvengersedu.com/home, and book, "Gotta Stay Fresh".
avatar for Jarrid Clifton

Jarrid Clifton

Associate Principal, Timothy Edwards Middle School
Jarrid Clifton is an AP at Timothy Edwards Middle School (TEMS) in South Windsor, and a 90s hip-hop head, who realized that the connections made through embracing a shared culture through music can shape relationships with students, staff, and families. Embracing the five elements... Read More →

Dijon Johnson

Music Educator, Timothy Edwards Middle School
Dijon Johnson is a passionate middle school music teacher at TEMS, dedicated to inspiring students through engaging lessons in guitar, piano, and music theory. With a focus on creativity and collaboration, Dijon fosters a classroom where every student can discover their musical p... Read More →
Friday March 28, 2025 10:45am - 12:00pm PDT

10:45am PDT

School Administration in a Technological Age FILLING
Friday March 28, 2025 10:45am - 12:00pm PDT
Changes in technology have fundamentally changed the responsibilities of administrators.  In this session, we will review the related legal issues, including electronic monitoring, surveillance, copyright, the legal status of text and email communications, and student rights, including cell phone use and posts on the Internet.  Through this session, administrators will learn what they can do to fulfill their responsibilities and how they can avoid legal claims arising from the use of technology.
avatar for Tom Mooney

Tom Mooney

Partner, Shipman & Goodwin, School Law Practice Group at Shipman & Goodwin
Thomas Mooney is Chair Emeritus of the School Law Practice Group at Shipman & Goodwin, and is the author of "Legal Mailbag" in the CAS Newsblast and of A Practical Guide to Connecticut School Law (10th Edition 2023). 
avatar for Joseph Miller

Joseph Miller

Associate, Shipman and Goodwin
Joseph Miller is a member of the School Law Practice Group at Shipman & Goodwin. Joe is an honors graduate of the UCONN School of Law and served for nearly a decade as a teacher with the Hartford Public Schools.
Friday March 28, 2025 10:45am - 12:00pm PDT

10:45am PDT

Student Math Growth at Pre-COVID Levels in a Post-COVID World LIMITED
Friday March 28, 2025 10:45am - 12:00pm PDT
This interactive workshop empowers educational leaders to critically evaluate their school’s mathematics program for high-impact opportunities that drive student growth and achievement. Participants will collaborate with experienced educational leaders and mathematics specialists to identify key areas of improvement and develop actionable plans tailored to their school’s unique needs. Ideal for leaders unsure of where to begin, the session provides practical strategies for assessing program strengths and challenges.

Attendees are encouraged to bring relevant data, artifacts, and program information for personalized feedback and in-depth analysis during the work session. The more resources participants provide, the more specific and actionable their takeaways will be. By the end of the workshop, leaders will leave with a structured plan to engage their leadership teams in fostering a robust and effective mathematics program aligned with their school’s goals for success.
avatar for Chase Dunlap

Chase Dunlap

Program Developer and Administrator/Director of Student Success, Kolbe Cathedral
Chase Dunlap is a dedicated educator with over 20 years of experience in both urban and suburban middle and high schools. He holds Connecticut Professional Educator Certifications in History and Social Studies (026), Educational Leadership (092), and Special Education (165). Throughout... Read More →
avatar for Erin Cramm

Erin Cramm

Chief Implementer/Mathematics Specialist/Instructional Support, Kolbe Cathedral
Erin Cramm is an experienced educator, instructional coach, and curriculum developer with over 16 years of experience in math instruction across NYC and Bridgeport, CT. She has taught middle and high school mathematics, utilizing data-driven strategies to help students surpass state... Read More →
Friday March 28, 2025 10:45am - 12:00pm PDT

10:45am PDT

Supporting the Whole Child: Strengthening Systems for Sustainable Change FILLING
Friday March 28, 2025 10:45am - 12:00pm PDT
We all believe in supporting the whole child – academically, socially, emotionally, physically, and behaviorally – but how can we strengthen our systems to promote more coordinated and integrated practices? One approach is to leverage the CDC’s Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model as an organizing framework. In this workshop, attendees will develop a foundational understanding of the WSCC model; consider opportunities to strengthen teaming structures, goal setting, and data collection; and identify the next steps for whole child strategic planning in their setting. This workshop will feature a panel discussion with administrators from the Colchester Public Schools and East Hartford Public Schools to share key lessons learned from using the WSCC model to strengthen their school and district practices.

Kathleen M. Williamson

Project Coordinator of the Connecticut WSCC Partnership, UCONN Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Initiative
Kathleen Williamson is an Assistant Research Professor in the University of Connecticut’s Neag School of Education. She is a nationally certified school psychologist and serves as Project Coordinator of the Connecticut WSCC Partnership.

Marlene B. Schwartz

Director, UConn’s Rudd Center for Food Policy & Health
Marlene Schwartz is Director of the Rudd Center for Food Policy & Health and Professor of Human Development and Family Sciences at the University of Connecticut.
avatar for Meghan Amado

Meghan Amado

Assistant Principal, Colchester Elementary
Meghan Amado is the assistant principal at Colchester Elementary School (Colchester). She previously taught at the elementary level in Woodstock and Stonington.

Melissa Cyr

Assistant Principal, Bacon Academy
Melissa Cyr has been an assistant principal at Bacon Academy (Colchester) since 2016. She previously served as principal of Natchaug Elementary School in Willimantic.

Angela Hewins

Principal, Mayberry Elementary School
Angela Hewins, a former special education teacher and special education supervisor, is the principal of Mayberry Elementary School in East Hartford.

Michelle Marion

Principal, Connecticut IB Academy
Michelle Marion has over 25 years of experience in the East Hartford Public Schools. She was named principal of the Connecticut IB Academy (East Hartford) in 2023.

Tracy Stefano

K-12 Supervisor of Health & PE, East Hartford District
Tracy Stefano is the K-12 Supervisor of Health & Physical Education in East Hartford. She is an adjunct professor at Southern Connecticut State University and President-Elect of the Connecticut Association of Administrators of Health and Physical Education.
Friday March 28, 2025 10:45am - 12:00pm PDT

12:45pm PDT

Finding your strengths as an Assistant Principal while creating a collaborative partnership with your principal LIMITED
Friday March 28, 2025 12:45pm - 2:00pm PDT
Throughout this session we will explore:
*your strengths as a leader
*your current practices in your administrative partnerships
*ideas for improving your practices
*ideas for improvements in partnerships leading to more school success

Then by the end of this session you will leave with a few actionable steps in order to improve your collaborative partnership with your administrative partner.

Christine Domler

Assistant Principal, Windsor Locks Middle School
Christine Domler was a Science Teacher for 10 years at Stafford Middle School, Assistant Principal at Stafford High School for 3 years and has been the Windsor Locks Middle School Assistant Principal for the past 8 years.

Heather Tamsin

Principal, Brooklyn Middle School
Heather Tamsin was a MS math/reading teacher 15 years at Mansfield Middle School, 3 year Principal (Pk-8) at Eastford Elementary Principal and now has been the Principal at Brooklyn Middle School for the past 7 years.
Friday March 28, 2025 12:45pm - 2:00pm PDT

12:45pm PDT

Funding Arts Learning – Building Sustainable Partnerships & Finding Support LIMITED
Friday March 28, 2025 12:45pm - 2:00pm PDT
One of the biggest challenges to implementing arts-learning programs is securing sustainable funding. This session will provide school leaders with strategies for identifying funding sources and building partnerships that support arts integration. While not all grant funders support school-based initiatives, we will explore alternative approaches, including community partnerships, PTA/PTO-driven initiatives, and leveraging existing public funds. Additionally, we will highlight arts education resources offered by other organizations that can help schools navigate funding opportunities.

Objectives & Outcomes:
Identify key funding sources and partnership models for arts learning programs.
Understand best practices for writing successful grant proposals.
Explore alternative funding strategies, including district budget allocations and PTA/PTO support.

Interactive Elements:
Walkthrough of successful funding strategies, including case studies of school-arts partnerships.
Attendees will draft a funding pitch that emphasizes partnerships and sustainability.
avatar for John-Michael Parker

John-Michael Parker

Executive Director, Arts for Learning Connecticut
John-Michael (he/him) is an artist, educator, and non-profit leader who was born and raised in Connecticut. After graduating from Yale, he moved to New York City and taught elementary and middle school science. He then joined the founding team of The Future Project, a national education... Read More →
Friday March 28, 2025 12:45pm - 2:00pm PDT

12:45pm PDT

Mandated Child Abuse Reporting: New Obligations and Opportunities LIMITED
Friday March 28, 2025 12:45pm - 2:00pm PDT
As mandated reporters, school administrators have significant responsibilities. In the last legislative session, the General Assembly amended the applicable statutes in several important respects. In this session, we will review those changes, which include a new opportunity to conduct a "preliminary inquiry" before reporting to DCF, training requirements, and new provisions for immunity. Through the session, administrators will learn about these new provisions to assure that they fulfill this important duty in compliance with the law.
avatar for Tom Mooney

Tom Mooney

Partner, Shipman & Goodwin, School Law Practice Group at Shipman & Goodwin
Thomas Mooney is Chair Emeritus of the School Law Practice Group at Shipman & Goodwin, and is the author of "Legal Mailbag" in the CAS Newsblast and of A Practical Guide to Connecticut School Law (10th Edition 2023). 
avatar for Julie Reznik

Julie Reznik

Associate, Shipman and Goodwin
Julie Reznik is an attorney at Shipman & Goodwin LLP who advises public school districts on a variety of general education, special education and labor and employment matters. Julie’s legal practice focuses on a wide range of issues impacting educational entities, including personnel... Read More →
Friday March 28, 2025 12:45pm - 2:00pm PDT

12:45pm PDT

Navigating Connecticut's Expanded Paid Sick Leave Law--What Every Building Administrator Needs to Know LIMITED
Friday March 28, 2025 12:45pm - 2:00pm PDT
This presentation will provide a comprehensive overview of Connecticut's expanded paid sick leave law, which went into effect on January 1, 2025. The workshop will address eligibility criteria, accrual rates, permissible uses of leave, notice and documentation issues, and employer compliance requirements. The session will also address common challenges in implementing new legal requirements and offer practical strategies for maintaining compliance while supporting workplace well-being.

Tom Owen

Associate, Shipman & Goodwin LLP
Tom Owen advises schools and colleges on legal matters concerning students, employees, governance, and policy. His legal expertise is enhanced by extensive experience in education, having worked at boarding and day schools in various roles, including teacher, coach, dorm parent, and... Read More →
avatar for Dori Pagé Antonetti

Dori Pagé Antonetti

Counsel, Shipman & Goodwin LLP
Dori Pagé Antonetti is a member of the School Law Practice Group where she represents a wide range of educational institutions, including both public and independent k-12 schools in a variety of education and employment law matters.  In her day-to-day representation of clients... Read More →
Friday March 28, 2025 12:45pm - 2:00pm PDT

12:45pm PDT

Redefining Success Through the Vision of a Graduate FILLING
Friday March 28, 2025 12:45pm - 2:00pm PDT
In schools and districts across Connecticut and throughout the country, the idea of a vision of a graduate (VoG), is becoming a new and important way to measure and celebrate student progress. Schools and districts with a VoG are focused on preparing graduates for a future that will require them to have not only content knowledge and understanding but also transferable skills and dispositions that will allow them to be flexible and adaptable in the rapidly changing world. The VoG encourages schools and districts to shift what is central to education as we know it and re-design systems to highlight the strengths and abilities of all learners. It can be a powerful force to dismantle inequities. Join NEASC staff to discuss the creation and implementation of a school or district VoG. You will come away with ideas and resources (including the newly released NEASC VoG Handbook) that will help you move this work forward in your school or district.

Alyson Geary

Director for Accreditation and School Improvement - NEASC, New England Association of Schools and Colleges
Alyson Geary worked in public schools as an educator for six years and as a principal for nine. Beginning her journey in Las Vegas, Alyson moved to Massachusetts where she worked as assistant principal and then principal for Hopkinton High School. She received her Master of Education... Read More →
avatar for Carl Johnson

Carl Johnson

Associate Director for Accreditation and School Improvement, New England Association of Schools and Colleges
Carl Johnson joined NEASC in 2023 after two decades serving as an educator and administrator in Connecticut schools. Carl began his career as a social studies teacher at Farmington High School before becoming student activities director in 2013. He then served as assistant principal... Read More →
Friday March 28, 2025 12:45pm - 2:00pm PDT

12:45pm PDT

The Law and Student Cell Phones -- Best Practices for Administrators in the Digital Age LIMITED
Friday March 28, 2025 12:45pm - 2:00pm PDT
For better or worse cell phones have revolutionized daily life and schools are no exception.  The use of cell phone by students both in the school setting and beyond it poses a host of unique legal issues that the courts and legislators are still catching up with.

In this session our presenters will review the latest case law addressing cell phone search and seizure, student First Amendment rights, sexting/mandated reporting, use of cell phone data at disciplinary hearings, district bans on cell phones during the school day as well as other issues.  By examining real cases in detail administrators will gain a practical understanding of the "do's and dont's" of student cell phones along with a sneak preview of emerging areas in the law.
avatar for Zachary Schurin, Attorney

Zachary Schurin, Attorney

Attorney, Pullman and Comley
Zachary Schurin represents local and regional boards of education, charter schools, and municipalities in a wide-array of labor, employment, and education law matters. Zach is a past-president of the Connecticut Council of School Attorneys, former Chair of the Connecticut Bar Association’s... Read More →

Stephen Sedor

Attorney, Pullman and Comley
Stephen Sedor has more than twenty years of experience representing boards of education and is well versed in school matters such as student issues and collective bargaining and is often called upon to represent school districts in student expulsion hearings, residency hearings and... Read More →
Friday March 28, 2025 12:45pm - 2:00pm PDT
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